SD Maria Immaculata Cilacap

SD Maria Immaculata Cilacap based in the province of Central Java is a special needs inclusive school. Inclusive schools are an important institution in society, whereby kids are thought directly and indirectly at a young age on how to socialize and befriend their special needs friend (and vice versa). To date, there are regulations supporting the inclusion of special needs children in mainstream schools :

Stated in UU No. 4 of 1997 on Persons with Disabilities, particularly in Article 6 (paragraph 1):

“Every person with disabilities has the right to education in all units, lines, types and levels of education”;

and UU No 23 of 2002 on the protection of children, especially in article 51:

“Children with physical / or mental disabilities, given equal opportunities and accessibility to obtain regular education and exceptional education”.

However, implementation on the ground is sparse given the lack of capacity.

To date, YSUS has helped SD Maria Immaculata Cilacap by providing them with stationary and classroom needs and covid preventative items (hand sanitizers) during the peak of the pandemic.

Ongoing support also includes scholarship program for rural students that live far from the school and need transportation to receive education.